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Unlocking Free Netflix: A Guide to Enjoying Content without Paying!

The Netflix application is an application that you can use to watch your favorite films. This application is certainly familiar and is even popular among film fans. One thing that fans of the film are asking is whether watching Netfix is free or paid?

For those of you who are curious about information on how to watch Netflix for free and how to use Netflix, don't worry. You don't need to worry, because in this article or opportunity we will provide all the information about the Netflix application for you. You just need to read and listen to this article until the end to find out.

In pandemic conditions like now, some cinemas are definitely not open, so you can find out how to watch your favorite films. Even though it's not a pandemic, there are quite a few people who are lazy about going to the cinema and want to watch various films from home.

Actually, you don't need to be confused if you want to watch a film but are too lazy to go to the cinema, because you can use the free Netflix application to watch the film you want to watch at home.

This free Netflix application will make it very easy for you to watch films without having to go to the cinema in person. Apart from watching films and podcasts, you can also watch series on TV just by using Netflix.

Due to the current pandemic conditions which require everyone to carry out any activity from home, sometimes it makes us feel bored. Everyone is looking for berlangganan Netflix tanpa kartu kredit ways to reduce boredom and not get stressed while staying at home.

Things you can do to reduce boredom include reading books, watching films and also playing games. If you are one of those people who reduces boredom by watching your favorite films or series, maybe this article will be very suitable for you.

A very suitable application that you can use to watch videos is Netflix. If you want to use this application to watch movies for free, you can download it now.

The Netflix application is available on the Google Play Store and App Store, so both Android and iOS users can access Netflix.

Watch Netflix for Free
free netflix
Some people definitely think that they have to pay if they want to use the Netflix application. However, this is true, you have to pay a certain amount of money to subscribe so you can watch your favorite films.

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If you mind paying for a subscription, you don't need to worry and you just need to find out how to watch Netflix for free so you don't spend any money. Because if you subscribe, you have to spend a certain amount of money per month.

How to Use Netflix
Before we tell you how to watch Netflix for free, we will tell you how to register and how to use Netflix first. Because maybe many of you are still new users and are still confused about how to use it.

You don't need to feel confused anymore because we will tell you how to use Netflix below.

The first step you have to do is open the Netflix site. Or you can use the link
After that, you need to register or open a new account by clicking the Start Your Free Month button on the left. You only need to Sign In on the button on the top right if you already have an account.
For those of you who want to subscribe to Netflix, you can choose one of the packages provided. There are 3 types of packages, namely Basic, Standard and Premium. Each type offered certainly has differences. The differences we mean are video resolution and number of devices and of course different prices.
Then, you need to fill in the form provided to create a new account. You are asked to enter the email address and password that you want to use in your new account later.
Click the Register button at the bottom when you have finished filling in the form.
Then, please verify the payment method you will use. For Netflix users, you can pay using credit cards in the form of Visa, Master Card and also American Express.
If you have chosen the payment method that you will use above, then you need to check the Terms of Use column and press the Strat Membership button below the check mark.
After everything is finished, you can select the film you want to watch by typing the title in the search column provided and you can immediately start watching the video.

So that's how to use Netflix that we have conveyed for those of you who don't know how to register and use it.

How to Watch Netflix for Free for New Users
There is interesting news for new users. The news we mean is that there is a free trial for the first month. So you can watch your favorite films for one month for free without paying any money.

No need to wait any longer, we will tell you how to watch Netflix for free for new users by using a one month free trial.

First, please open the Netflix application on your cellphone or you can also go through the Netflix website with the link
If so, select Join Free For A Month.
After that, click See the available plans.
Then press the Continue button to access the one month free trial.
Make sure that you have turned off the automatic payment feature on your credit card so that when the trial period is over you don't have to pay.
Then click Start Membership if you have followed these steps correctly.
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However, you need to remember once again that this free trial is only valid for the first month. So after one month is over, you need to pay a subscription to access Netflix again.

To get a free trial for one month, you must have a credit card first. But don't worry, even if you have to have a credit card, because your balance won't be deducted in the slightest.

Will your balance be deducted automatically if the trial period has expired? You don't need to worry because in the previous step you have deactivated the automatic payment feature for credit cards, so your balance will not decrease.

If you want to continue watching films on Netflix but the trial is no longer valid and you want to subscribe, you can reactivate this feature. Likewise, if you want to stop subscribing, you can deactivate the feature again.

How to Watch Netflix for Free
how to watch netflix
Actually, there are several more ways you can use to watch Netflix for free. All users definitely want to find out what ways they can do so that they don't need to subscribe and can watch their favorite films without spending any money.

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So for those of you who are curious, don't skip reading this article. Read carefully so that you don't miss out on the information we provide to you about watching Netflix for free.

So that you don't become more curious, we will immediately tell you how to watch Netflix for free below.

How to Watch Netflix for Free Using a VPN
Apart from using the free trial, you can also use a VPN to watch movies on Netflix for free. VPN is a service that has a security function for your Netflix account. Not only security, but guaranteed speed.

So you can use this VPN or Virtual Private Server as one of the best alternatives. Because you can unblock online sites just by using a VPN. Even your identity on social media or online will also be protected by using this VPN.

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In general, each country uses VPN services using different IP addresses in each process. Later, users will be given the option when they join using their IP address.

But unfortunately, you can't access this VPN service for free, but you have to pay approximately $3 per month. There are even up to $10 per month. You don't need to mind, because it is comparable to the quality. Apart from being able to watch Netflix, you can also use VPN services to protect your identity on social media.

How to Watch Netflix for Free Using Browser Extensions
The next method you can try is by using a browser extension. You can change and unblock online sites by using this browser extension. The way it works is similar to a VPN service, but of course there are differences in it.

The difference we mean is that if you use a VPN service you need to pay, whereas if you use a browser extension you don't need to pay but it's free.

So, with this method you don't need to spend money to be able to watch the videos or films you want to watch for free. You don't need to bother and feel confused anymore if you want to unblock an online site.

How to Watch Netflix for Free Using Paid and Free Proxies
Thirdly, you can use a proxy to watch videos on Netflix for free or for a fee. Every user certainly has a proxy because a proxy is a server that you can connect to your device.

However, lots of advertisements will appear and make you feel annoyed if you use a proxy that is accessed for free. Even though this proxy can be used very easily, you will still lose money if you use a paid proxy. Because the speed is not high which is caused by too many users already using it.

You can visit the proxy.org website if you want to try watching movies on Netflix using a proxy. Because there will be a lot of complete information about proxies on the website that you may not know yet.

How to Watch Netflix for Free Using the Second Free Trial
For those of you who are new users who have used the free trial for the first month, you can use the free trial for the second time.

Netflix will usually send a message via the email you use. The message contains a follow up, which provides a second free trial offer code. However, this email will come if the free trial for your first month of active period has expired.

You need to remember that not all users are given the second free trial offer. But you don't need to worry if you don't receive the email. You only need to create a new account, so that you look like a new user and will get the first and second trials again.

Using Gift Cards
Apart from using a credit card, you can also make subscription payments using a gift card. Currently, there are many online sites that provide and also distribute gift card vouchers for free. In fact, Indonesia does not yet provide a payment method using gift cards.

If you don't have a credit card and want to use this method, don't worry. You only need to look for an online site that provides gift card vouchers via Google or the browser on your cellphone by typing "Netflix Gift Card" correctly in the search field.

Netflix Account Sharing
The last way you can do this is by sharing a Netflix account. So one account can contain several people. However, you don't need to berlangganan Netflix tanpa kartu debit worry because the films you usually watch or your favorite films will not appear on other devices even on one account.

Likewise, on the same account, videos or films that your friends frequently watch will not appear on your homepage.

So it won't disturb each other's comfort.

How to watch Netflix for free is being widely discussed by film fans. You can follow some of the methods we have outlined above if you don't want to subscribe to Netflix.

Especially with conditions like those we stated at the beginning. Many people are not working or have been forced to lay off in a pandemic situation like the current one. We are looking for various kinds of entertainment that don't require spending any money.

One way to entertain yourself is by watching films using Netflix. But you have to find a way to watch Netflix for free first.

There are two options that you can use to watch movies on Netflix. You can watch it on your cellphone if you don't want the hassle. However, if you want the video to look clearer, more interesting and exciting, you can use a laptop.

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That's all the information we have for you about watching Netflix for free and how to use Netflix for those of you who don't understand. You can apply the methods above to watch Netflix using a cellphone or laptop.

By using the method we explained above, you can enjoy Netflix for free. However, it cannot be denied that this free period is only temporary.

So for those of you who are truly loyal film fans, maybe you need to subscribe to Netflix to be able to watch your favorite films whenever you want.

We hope that what we have said above can be useful and help those of you who want to watch Netflix for free without subscribing.

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